Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Speak Out!

The movie Privates of Silicon Valley is so amazing. It made me appreciate all the applications that we are using in our desktops, lappies, ipads and iphones now. It is a film based on the book Fire in the Valley: The Making of the Personal Computer by Paul Freiberger. The film was narrated by Steve Wozdle of shooting a commercial which is for the Apple Computer. The scene then changes showing Steve Jobs talking about some sort of alliance formed between Apple Computer and Microsoft with Bill Gates in the screen (details of this scene was showed later on in the film). Then the film featured a flashback on the younger days of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak where they are shown to be caught up in a riot between students and police officers and running in the opposite direction of the tide of people. The movie then proceeds to narrate the events that led to the development of the first Apple computer. The film also features the nerd character of Bill Gates who was then a nobody and even got ignored by Steve Jobs in a computer expo. The story then narrates how competition flared between the two leading companies and how they strived to outwit each other and finally, concluding in the scene where Steve Jobs and Bill Gates announced that they are good together.

In my opinion the real protagonist of the story was Steve Jobs not only because he got featured more in the film but also I admire his determination to uplift the name of Apple. Sure, he got some attitude problem going on but he did become successful, right? He also had flair in talking people into something but you really would not want to cross him when he’s angry or everything will just come exploding. The character of Bill Gates was quite hard to understand and I just kept seeing him as that nerdy kid who is nuts about computers but the characters of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Over all, the movie was  nice and i learned a lot from it. We should appreciate all these things and let us not forget to acknowledge the people behind all of these.


Because our subject is nursing informatics, then let's talk about the people behind Microsoft and apple. The movie is entitled The Pirates of Silicon Valley. It is directed by Marytn Burke The film documents the impact on the development of the personal computer of the rivalry between Apple Computer and Microsoft. It spans the time period of the early 1970s to 1997, when Steve Jobs (Noah Wyle) and Bill Gates (Anthony Michael Hall) develop a partnership after Jobs returns to Apple Computer..
The film opens with the creation of the 1984 commercial for Apple Computer, which introduced the first Macintosh. Steve Jobs  or known as Noah Wyle is speaking with director Ridley Scott or J. G. Hertzler, trying to convey his idea that "We're creating a completely new consciousness." Scott, however, is more concerned at the moment with the technical aspects of the commercial.
The film then flashes forward to 1997 as Jobs, who has returned to Apple, is announcing a new deal with Microsoft at the 1997 Macworld Expo. His partner, Steve Wozniak (Joey Slotnick), is introduced as one of the two central narrators of the story. Wozniak notes to the audience the resemblance between "Big Brother" and the image of Bill Gates (Anthony Hall) on the screen behind Jobs during this announcement. Asking how they "got from there to here," the film turns to flashbacks of his youth with Jobs, prior to the forming of Apple.t also follows Jobs' relationship with his high school girlfriend (Gema Zamprogna) and the difficulties he had acknowledging the birth and existence of their daughter, Lisa. Around the time his daughter was born, Jobs unveiled his next computer, which he named, The Lisa. The Lisa was then followed in 1984 by the Macintosh, a computer inspired by the Xerox Alto. The main body of the film finally concludes with a birthday toast in 1985 to Steve Jobs shortly before he was fired by CEO John Sculley (Allan Royal) from Apple Computer. It also includes a brief epilogue, noting what happened afterward in the lives of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The movie ends with Steve Jobs returning to Apple after its acquisition of NeXT Computer, and Bill Gates appearing live via satellite at a MacWorld Expo in 1997, during Jobs' first Stevenote keynote address, to announce an alliance between Apple and Microsoft

Monday, May 14, 2012


          How can we prove that the nursing processes nowadays is more easier and faster than before? HIS or Hospital Information System is the answer. It is divided into two systems; the Clinical system and Non-clinical system. clinical system includes medical, nursing, departmental, and setting specific. When we say medical information system, it includes the face history, physical assessment, care and treatment plan, and incident report. The physician shares with the nurse through this. Nursing Information System includes patient's assessment and health condition data, administering and recording medication and treatment, and other reports. these systems can be interfaced to automated monitoring devices, which means it can also monitor vital signs and test results directly into the clinical record.
With the use of Nursing process ADPIE, all the procedures that the patient needs will the performed orderly. First is ASSESSMENT. They use electronic chart to document the information that they gathered from the patient. Next is nursing DIAGNOSIS. The nurse can already give a diagnosis with the help of the subjective and objective cue that was based on the assessment. The next on the process will be PLANNING. It is where the nurse will compose some plans for the patient for his wellness or for his improvement on his health. The electronic chart will display some recommended outcomes or plans which will help the nurse to make it easier and faster and more effective. Next will be INTERVENTION. The nurse will now perform all his plans hands-on the patient. The nurse should document all the things she performed such as transfer and discharge instructions, so that the other health care members will know it and will be aware of it. 
Computer generated progress notes automatically sort and printout patient data, such as medication administration, treatment and vital signs. Lastly, the nurse will do the EVALUATION. This is where all the plans and interventions will be evaluated whether the goals were met through doing those implementations, or whether it is not effective. And according to the Nursing process rule, if those planning and implementations did not met your expectation, you can do it again with the new improved and more clear interventions.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's a small world after all

          Do you have loved ones that is living from the other part of the world? How do you communicate with them? Is it a constant communication or just seldom? How do you greet them if there is birthday or any holidays? If you have an important news, do you still need to write a letter, put a stamp in it and wait for quite a long time before he can read it and receive a response? How many calling cards do you still need to buy to talk for them in a long time? well, these are the most difficult situations in our world before. And we can maybe call it as poor communication.

          Imagine how different is our world today. now, we can easily access to the internet. We do make our accounts and after that, boom! We can now communicate with our loved ones that is far away. There are many ways we can communicate like chatting, video conferencing, bulletin board systems, instant messages, newsgroups, and even with uploading our pictures on those sites to have a big applause from other users. Let's have an example, the great Facebook. More people like it because they can see their friends and loved ones through their updated photos and news. How young and how old you are, you will easily learn how to use it. Aside from that, there are also many applications you can try to make yourself entertain.

Chat Click Chat

          As a student, there are a lot of researches and any other assignments to be done with the use of computers. and one way of easier access of internet is to have your own internet connection at home. But the question is, what would be the best internet connection to be used? What are their classifications? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
          A network is formed when two or more computers are connected by wire or wirelessly, for sharing of information and communication. So, why do we use computers? It is for us to have easy getting of information that we need in school. In students like the one that is taking up nursing, it is very important to have an internet access always because medical information is always innovating and they need to know it so that their way of giving health care to their patients will be easier and more effective. They should not limit their knowledge in their books only. When they make their case studies in where they study the illness of their patients, they do it by group. They combine their ideas and they make it into one simplified case study. This is just like Channel, where there is a sender and a receiver. LAN or Local Area Network allows communication and sharing of resources or knowledge across different departments or sections of a healthcare institution. The bigger type of network is the Wide Area Network where computers are connected farther apart forming an interconnection pf LANs, also known as enterprise networks.
          Even how good is it, there are still disadvantages. just like malicious codes, network faults, and setup and management costs. We should still be careful of accessing internet. Just like when we download some movies, songs, and many more.

Monday, April 30, 2012


           What do we do when we have nothing to do? Most of us surf the internet. What do we surf in the internet? Most of us are busy updating our facebook, twitter, blogger, tumblr, and many more. And we became more fun when there are pictures that we see in these sites. We are fun of uploading pictures about the happenings in our life. These picture originate from files, scans, photographic process or illustration processes.
 Let's talk about Vector graphics. It is a set of instructions to recreate a picture. It is usually flat and cartoon like, resizes better than bitmaps, requires less storage space, can be easily edited, and it is not usually as realistic as bitmap images. Let's proceed to 3D graphics. This is a three-dimensional objects that are created using a set of instructions like vector graphics. It contains lengths and locations that forms a wire frame of the 3D object. Rendering is a process covered with a skin surface texture and color. The last is Game graphics, which is a stimulation and interactive games that make use of the realistic images to add thrill and pleasure while playing the game.

Know thy Computers

Know thy Computers

              I think everybody in this world already knows what computer is. We know that this is a device used to search the net, to make some encoding for school and offices or just to simply play some games. Computer is so important nowadays. But the question is, do we all know the parts of this very useful device? well... Let me share you some idea.

       Computer is composed of Hardware and Software. When we say Hardware, it is all about the physical component of the computer system that is hard and can be touched. It is classified as input devices, output device and input/output device. When we say Software, it is a series of instructions written for the computer to do functions. it comes as a package and is usually distributed on removable media like CD's, Floppies and DVDs... Maybe you suddenly think how the software work. well, there is a language on machines and the only one that can understand it is a microprocessor. Microprocessor runs on signals produced by two electronic behaviors; the flow and no flow. it represents different bits.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Great Contributors

Nursing Informatics was developed mainly because of some people that gave importance to it and because of some people that don't want to repeat all the errors that they experienced before. This is just one way of improving the system in a hospital- from assessing the patient cephalocaudal to reading some of the diagnostic procedures that was performed on him like x-rays, fecalysis, urinalysis and many more.

Let us know the great contributors of nursing informatics. Florence Nightingale made it first when she want to make the procedures to the soldiers easily. Mary Ann Bitzer  was the one who improved the field in Obstetric nursing by still retaining the materials by the students. Next one is Marion Ball and Kathryn Hannah who presented the paper in a nursing journal by using nursing informatics in many nursing processes.

Monday, April 23, 2012

From where it started

Healthcare exists for decades. In that long period of time, our facilities innovated and our system in keeping records became easier. Way back before, there are four main problems of nurses. These problems are Excessive Documentation, Long Turnaround time, Inaccurate Nursing Processes and Poor Communication. The Famous Florence Nightingale had constantly thought of developing an efficient documentation system for war patients so that she can compare outcomes after applying the best interventions. because of this, she was recognized as an early public health informaticist where her efforts led to a total reorganization of the healthcare statistics that should be collected. These problems are still existing now, but it was lessen because of new technology.

In order to lessen these problems, nursing informatics is mandated to be taught in student nurses. Their main goal is that it will not be a big problem for them in the near future when they will already be professional nurses.