Tuesday, May 8, 2012

It's a small world after all

          Do you have loved ones that is living from the other part of the world? How do you communicate with them? Is it a constant communication or just seldom? How do you greet them if there is birthday or any holidays? If you have an important news, do you still need to write a letter, put a stamp in it and wait for quite a long time before he can read it and receive a response? How many calling cards do you still need to buy to talk for them in a long time? well, these are the most difficult situations in our world before. And we can maybe call it as poor communication.

          Imagine how different is our world today. now, we can easily access to the internet. We do make our accounts and after that, boom! We can now communicate with our loved ones that is far away. There are many ways we can communicate like chatting, video conferencing, bulletin board systems, instant messages, newsgroups, and even with uploading our pictures on those sites to have a big applause from other users. Let's have an example, the great Facebook. More people like it because they can see their friends and loved ones through their updated photos and news. How young and how old you are, you will easily learn how to use it. Aside from that, there are also many applications you can try to make yourself entertain.

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